Thursday, October 11, 2007

Off to the OR I go...

So...I have to have surgery. I've been on a merry-go-round for about 6 months now. You see, after Sami was born I was having some odd symptoms that I at first associated with my body getting back to normal after pregnancy. But instead of getting better, they've gotten worse. I was concerned I had a problem with my liver, because I had pre-ecclampsia with both babies and the symptoms I was having were the same as what they kept asking me about during the pre-ecclampsia, so I went to the doctor.

Now...4 doctors, 1 ultrasound, 3 CT scans, 1 CT-guided biopsy and 1 MRI later, I find that I have multiple gallstones and 3 liver lesions. They tell me that the liver lesions are something called Focal Nodular Hyperplasia which is fairly common and asymptomatic. Apparently all my symptoms are from the gallstones. They are going to remove my gallbladder on 10/24/07 and do a second biopsy of the liver lesions to make certain it's FNH and not something more malicious...however they won't remove the FNH lesions unless my symptoms don't go away or the lesions start to grow.

So...once I recover from this surgery, hopefully my symptoms will disappear. If not, I will have to undergo a second, more extensive surgery. Ugh.

I'm not looking forward to this...but it'll be better than the nausea, pain and vomiting I'm living with right up and get here, October 24th!!

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