Friday, August 26, 2005

Ya really sucks sometimes...

Old post...from another blog site...

Okay, so my hubby lost his job almost 6 months ago now...after 11+ years with the company. That in itself sucks. He's been working a contract job that takes him away from home during the week, so we only see him on weekends. That also sucks, but not as badly. So now this contract job will be ending in four weeks, and every job he interviews for, he doesn't get...even though the interviews seeem to go very well. four weeks, we're down to just my salary, with all the same bills (even more actually) and no prospects in sight. I guess it's a good thing I'm not pregnant yet, huh?

Plus, two weeks ago we got a bill from the IRS for back taxes from 2003 (thanks to a screw-up with our HR department), so now we've gotta come up with $650 within the next two weeks. There goes most of my bonus. Oh well... I didn't want to pay the bills anyway...

I've been praying, but so far, nothing. I wouldn't even mind moving to Orlando or Tampa or anywhere in between because we'd be closer to family that way. But it's a specialized field and there just aren't that many jobs out there.

I don't know if we're gonna make it. Our relationship will be fine because we love each other...but our financial situation looks really bleak right now.

Life sucks right about now...

Maybe it's not so bad after all...

Old post...from another blog site...

Well, my friends, mom and hubby have convinced me that I'm not starting menopause...and even if I were, that doesn't mean we can't ever have another baby. I could still get pregnant, I guess. I'll just have to relax, wait and see.

As for relaxing, I promised myself I'd go to bed early, but have I? No, of course not. So I'm gonna sign off and do just that.

G'night, y'all!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

So this is what menopause feels like...

Old post...transferred from another blog site...

Well, I guess I shouldn't say that really. I've not seen a doctor. I've not been diagnosed. What I have been is unable to conceive our second child. Our son wants a baby brother. I just turned 39...and we've been trying for almost 6 months with no luck. I've always gotten pregnant very easily in the past, so what the hell is going on??

Well...I can only assume it's the start of menopause. My cycles started getting shorter. Last month, it was 3 days shorter. This month it was 6 days shorter. Eventually, I will just have my period all the time! Yuck!

So that's it. I throw in the proverbial towel. Going forward, we're just gonna fool around for the fun of it!

On other topics...the beautiful State of Florida is preparing for the arrival of Katrina. I may be out of the path of this one, but we're still gonna have a crappy weekend. I guess we'd better rent some movies!

Okay...I'm outta here!