Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pepto is my friend...

Whoa, what a BAD weekend we had. Sami was getting over being sick. On Saturday, Rick had to work for several hours. While he was there, I started feeling yucky. After he got home, I went to lie down and after about an hour the vomiting started. Ugh. I was sick all Saturday night. Then the fever started...and now things are bad at the other end.

To make things worse, before I really started feeling better, Rick started with it, so Sunday, we were both miserable. The poor kids are lucky they got fed!

I had so many things I wanted to do this weekend, including getting the lights on the house and the tree up. Nada. Nothing got done. In fact, we didnt' even get much laundry done.

Pepto is my friend...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Almost a year has passed...

Wow...a lot has happened in the last "almost" year! Let's see...

My sister re-married a really great guy, got pregnant (at 39) and lost the baby unfortunately.

We lost my dear mother-in-law to cancer in July 2008. This Christmas just isn't going to be the same.

My darling daughter turned 2!

My wonderful son is about to turn 8!

We became grandparents (OMG)... My 22 year old step-daughter gave birth on 11/20/08 to a beautiful baby boy, Alex. We are SO proud!

My manager of 4+ years got married, and then weeks later quit our company to "travel". Yeah, right...we found out later she actually moved to Texas and started working for another company. Would have been nice if she'd been honest with us. I mean, for goodness sake, we were all at her wedding!

My company was "taken over". Actually, we were taken into receivorship by the FDIC and minutes later, JPMorganChase bought us. I found out on December 1st that I'm one of the lucky ones...I'm going to keep my job. Unfortunately, my boss wasn't so lucky. We're really gonna miss her when she leaves in January. Also unfortunately, they're splitting my department up under two different managers. :(

We got a new car for R, and within weeks I managed to hit a deer with it and wreck the front end. Actually, the deer hit me, but he was uninsured so recovering our deductible ($500) was impossible. The deer had little/no damage, got up and sauntered away. I practically had a heart attack, then checked to make sure my babies were okay...then looked in dismay at the car.

After suffering with a toothache for 2 months, I finally went to the dentist and wound up in the chair, upside down for about 4 hours having a root canal. Fun, fun, fun! I go back for the permanent crown in January, once my new FSA kicks in for 2009.

So...all in all its been a busy year. I guess that's why I just never found the time to blog. :)

Monday, January 28, 2008