Monday, April 17, 2006

I can't believe how sleepy I am!!

Old post...from another blog site...

Man oh man...I feel like I haven't slept in a week. Truth be told, I did get some sleep last night...but woke up at 3:15 and didn't get back to sleep until 5:30...and then the alarm went off at 5:45. Luckily, Rick let me sleep until about 6:45, but I still can't keep my eyes open. I've been at work for almost 4 hours so far and haven't done any actual work! I think tonight I'm going to take some Benadryl around 9:00 (I believe it's safe during pregnancy...I'll have to check first) and go to bed. Hopefully the Benadryl will help keep me asleep!'s almost lunch time and I have no appetite. Toodles...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Wow...almost 10 weeks pregnant

Old post...from another blog site...

I'm SO tired. It seems like I can't get enough sleep! I know my body is busy making new life, but come on!

I need to get some tea and actually do some work. Ugh. I wanna nap!

Monday, April 10, 2006

It figures...

Old post...from another blog site... step-daughter is home on leave from the Army. Shortly after she got home, we shared some good news with her, but told her to keep it quiet, because we wanted to tell my other step-daughter and our son personally. She swore she would keep the secret. Well...we found out recently that she posted the news on her MySpace journal and, of course, my other step-daughter (who we haven't seen since Christmas as she's 15 and would rather do anything than spend time with her parents) read the older step-daughter's journal and not only knows...but told their mother. I can't believe this. least we get to tell our son that he's going to be a big brother finally. My parents, sister and niece are coming for Easter and that's when we're going to tell him. He's 5...and has been asking for a little baby brother or sister for 1.5 years now. Surpise! We're due in November! :)

Silly quiz...

Old post...from another blog site...

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss that never lessens and always blows your partner away like the first time.

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