Tuesday, September 27, 2005

And so the downward spiral begins...

Old post...from another blog site...

Well...hubby is now officially unemployed again. And money has officially run out. He gets one more paycheck which will help with this month's bills, but then we're screwed. Time to start scaling back/cancelling some of the little things in life that aren't necessities.

Okay...that's all for now. Too depressed to type.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Ah...life...the eternal roller coaster...

Old post...from another blog site...

So...this is hubby's last week on his current job. He's got some good prospects. One of which would have us moving to Washington State, almost into Canada. The up side, it would be really good money and I could possibly be a stay at home mom. The down side, we'd be 3000+ miles from any and all family members. I'm sort of torn. My parents can afford to fly up and visit a couple of times a year (which still isn't often enough), but hubby's mom can't afford to do that. We could maybe fly down once a year, but I really want my son to have a regular relationship with his grandparents. I'm supporting my husband, and I'm willing to make the sacrafice...but it's gonna be STRESSFUL!!!