Monday, November 14, 2005

Title: Wow...things are improving...

Old post...from another blog site...

So...Rick and the dog found a place to live (YAY!). It's in our price range, close enough to work, fully furnished, and on top of a hill with a view of a golf course. He couldn't have asked for anything better! :)

My step-daughter called us from her base in VA (she's in the Army) and informed us that she's getting the week between Christmas and New Year's...THIS YEAR!! And she wants me to help his mother plan it all! Talk about short notice!!! ARGH! How am I supposed to be a single mom (since Rick's in Cali), plan Thanksgiving, Christmas shop (with my son with me!), plan Christmas, get the house ready to be sold, AND plan a wedding??? I think I need a nap! Invitations technically should go out NOW...and I'm going to be the one to print them...she hasn't even given me the name/address of the Church, much less a guest list!!


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