Thursday, May 4, 2006's been a while...

Old post...from another blog site...

I've been neglecting this journal. I've been busy. I've been tired. I've been nauseous. I've not felt like typing much.

We've made it to the 12 week mark in this pregnancy and I'm starting to feel the baby move a little. It'll be a while before Rick and Jason can feel it. It's definitely a very cool feeling.

The nausea came back full force a couple of weeks ago, but seems to be tapering off again finally. Luckily, Rick is a saint and lets me sleep whenever I need to. He does the laundry, he cooks and cleans...I just love him to no end.

Jason's excited about his baby brother or sister...and I think he's going to let us move him into Kyra's old room so the baby can be right across the hall from us. He's such a big boy now! I can't believe I'm going to register him for Kindergarten tomorrow! I may cry. I know I'll cry on his first day.

I've had a cold all week...but it seems to be passing already. I'm impressed. Usually colds and infections hang around for weeks or months with me as I have such a crappy immune system...but pregnancy seems to strengthen that and I get better quicker. I don't know...maybe it's the positive attitude I seem to have when I'm pregnant. Hmm...I'll have to try that once I'm not pregnant again!

Time to go. Hopefully I'll remember to write more often.

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